Rest in Peace Miss Myra
Rest in Peace Miss Myra

Rest in Peace Miss Myra

The move to Whitehorse was quite hard on our little girlie Myra, and since we arrived in Whitehorse in Oct. 2020, Myra’s health had been declining. On Dec. 26, 2020 it was time, probably past time, to say goodbye, as Myra was unable to stand, and when she did stand she fell. We had scheduled an appointment to euthanize her on Christmas eve, put she looked a little perky in the morning, so we canceled the appointment. That was a bad decision because she was not feeling so great on Christmas day. We didn’t want to bother the vet on Christmas, so we waited until Boxing Day– which is the day after Christmas.

Myra had a super week in November when she was put on Prednisone. Dr. Ann in Barry’s Bay said (or perhaps it’s just Greg that said this) that Prednisone is a miracle drug for around a week, and then reality sets in.? After Myra’s super week of feeling better, she began to deteriorate. Although she couldn’t stand, she still had a good appetite up until the end.

We don’t really know what was wrong with Myra. One month before we left L’Amable, she had a small tumor on her ear removed and the vet (Doc. Ann) noted muscle atrophy. The vet in Whitehorse took X-rays and saw she had severe arthritis in her spine. I think she must have had some kind of nerve problem because she couldn’t stand on her back and front legs.

We adopted Myra from our next door neighbor in Fairbanks, along with her littermates Goblin and Lasher. On our first run on sleds in Dec. 2013, Myra injured herself with an achilles heel type injury and that ended her mushing career; since then she has lived inside and gradually worked her way to sleeping on the bed. Myra would anchor herself on my left side and would stay there throughout the night. Needless to say, I miss my anchor.

Myra was a sweet little girl who liked to sing and play with Moose and Floppy. RIP little one. We miss you.

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