RIP Sweet Maya
RIP Sweet Maya

RIP Sweet Maya

On Feb. 18, 2023 we said goodbye to one of the sweetest dogs we’ve ever befriended– our lovely Maya. Maya’s death was unexpected. Around one month ago we think she had a seizure. V found her stuck in the banister on the porch and brought her downstairs to the yard where she walked around and was bumping into things– sort of a temporary blindness. Then V brought her inside and put her in a crate for safety. Maya was pretty confused and didn’t recognize her human momma.  Of course this was a Friday night– and we called the emergency vet and spoke to a vet tech who spoke to the doc, who said just keep an eye on her. She recovered and was her beautiful self.

Around a month later she had a very small seizure in the morning, which I witnessed and it took her around an hour and  half to recover. She had a larger seizure in the evening, and she wasn’t doing well after the seizure. We brought her to the vet after hours and came home with IV fluid to give to her subcutaneously; her bloodwork was normal. Almost eight hours after the seizure she hadn’t recovered and was in the same state, so we brought her back to the vet (after hours) to be euthanized and end her suffering.

Maya was a special girl, as she was always happy and not into fighting with other dogs. In Fairbanks, I tried running her in lead, and she would lead, but couldn’t run for many miles. Maya moved inside in 2016 when we lived in L’Amable, and continued to live inside when we moved to Whitehorse. She is survived by her littermate Stella.

Rest in peace my sweet angel.
