RIP Kraken
RIP Kraken

RIP Kraken

Kraken left us somewhat unexpectedly. Last October I brought him to the vet because he was slowing down. There was a mixup with the bloodwork because I brought two dogs in at the same time and the vet’s office had a new machine. We retested his bloodwork and it was fine– although I should know by now that many cancers/tumors do not show up on bloodwork.

A week before my trip out of the country we brought him in for a check-up due to his severe lethargy. The doc said he had many abdominal tumors. We brought him home and I was hoping he’d hang around until I returned from my trip– but he didn’t. On April 19, 2023 Greg brought him into the vet’s to be euthanized and I attended via Zoom from the hospital where I was visiting my father.

We adopted Kraken and his sisters. Medusa and Siren, when we lived in Fairbanks, Alaska. The pups were a little less than three months old.  Kraken and his sissies loved to play with each other, and because their lineage was Mackey/Forsberg we called Kraken “Mr. Mackey.” His other nickname was Krackles because our vet in Bancroft mixed up the names Kraken and Rattles.

Although Kraken wasn’t a great sled dog due to irritable bowel disease, which he had until around he was 7 years old, and because he was so tall and lanky, he still liked to go on short runs.  When he moved inside in the summer of 2020  he became a wonderful pet dog– and when his sisters moved inside the three of them loved to play Mackey games.

I keep looking for Kraken where he slept inside, he liked to sleep in his green crate, and he’s not there. :(

Kraken was 10.5 years old.
