RIP Phanty
RIP Phanty

RIP Phanty

It’s such a sad time at StinkyPup. Last week we said goodbye to Kraken and on April 24, 2023 we said goodbye to Phanty.

Phanty’s death was unexpected. The night I came home from my trip away he was yelping. Greg and examined him and couldn’t figure out what was wrong, so I gave him 2 100mg gabapentin tablets. That didn’t help, so we called the vet’s office and spoke with the vet tech who spoke with the doc who instructed us to give him two more gabapentin tablets and 100mg of trazodone. This knocked him out.

In the morning he was still very sleepy. Greg brought him to the vet for an urgent care appointment (this is a drop off appointment) and the news wasn’t good. The doc thought it was something cranial and said she could explore or euthanize. Since 14.5 yo Phanty wasn’t in great shape– he had a super appetite but we think he had pain, we opted for euthanasia. I drove into town later in the day and met Greg at the vet’s office and we said our final goodbye.

Phanty was such a sweet boy! We adopted him when he was a yearling and he was so thin that he used to float on top of the snow. Phanty never finished a race due to wrist injuries, but he liked to run. In 2018, when we lived in L’Amable, he became a lead dog! and in the summer of 2020 he moved inside.

Phanty was very good friends with Capella (who died July 2018) and Zeus (who is still with us at 16.5 years old!). I used to call the three of them my Mexican jumping beans because they would greet me at the fence and were all jumping up and down.

Rest in peace Phanty pants.
