A week ago we brought Magic to the vet because he wasn’t feeling well (see Magics Septicemia post). Magic spent some quality time at the vet. When we brought him home he had a good day (Sat. 30 March). He ate breakfast and dinner, didn’t poop diarrhea, and slept in his usual spot– outside our bedroom.
The next day he wasn’t feeling great, and it went downhill from there. His temperature was between 103.3-104.3 and he was lethargic and not pooping at all. He was on oral meds– Amoxicillin twice a day, Sucralfate twice a day and Baytril once a day.
We brought him to the vet on Tues. (after giving him fluids with Vitamin B via “camel back” on Monday), and the vet thought his tummy was painful and distended, so did an ultrasound and another exray. The ultrasound showed an adrenal tumor. The exray showed food in his stomach, gas, and poop.
The doc gave us injectable meds, thinking he wasn’t digesting food so the meds weren’t helping, as well as more fluids.
Wed. morning (3 April) his fever was still up (103.3), he hadn’t pooped in 1.5 days, and he couldn’t get up. We brought him in to be euthanized.
The doc asked if she could do a necropsy. We said sure. She found a rope toy in his stomach. Magic previously had three obstructed bowel surgeries. This would have been his fourth– if they had seen the toy on the exray. The vet said the tumor on his adrenal gland was aggressive, and that when she nudged it his aorta exploded.