It’s a dog’s world
It’s a dog’s world

It’s a dog’s world

Spot, the cat, was killed yesterday by three of our dogs. Ilana took the dogs for their regular morning walk, and started scooping the yard when everyone returned. This was before their breakfast. I had left for work earlier in the day. She heard a ruckus, and went into the house to find three dogs attacking the cat: Chez, Sam & Bruno. She got them to stop, put Spot on the countertop, but they got her again.

Ilana finally got Spot into a portable cat kennel and sped off to the vet. Spot was not very responsive, and seemed to have a broken back. She called me from the car, and I met her at the vet. Spot’s back wasn’t broken, but she had severe internal trauma and the vet recommended we euthanize her immediately. So, we did.

Spot was about 12 years old, and had lived with us since North Carolina. We knew she was in danger with so many dogs in the house, but did not have any good placement options for her. It was a sad day, to see pet dogs turn to their primal instincts.

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