Nonny Died
Nonny Died

Nonny Died

Nonny died and the StinkyPups are totally out of control. For the last month we have been to the vet every weekend and sometimes even twice a week. Both castes of dogs, pet dogs and sled dogs, have been fighting and the only reason we can think that this is happening is because the alpha StinkyPup has died. It’s all very sad. Here are the details:

Bosco/Dudley: We came home a few weeks ago to find a big gash on Bosco’s back. At first we thought that Wild, the evil-creature-dog-from-hell, fought with Bosco. I scolded her and told her how evil she was. But then I noticed that Dudley had a small scratch and blood spot on the area surrounding his right eye. Could Bosco and Dudley have been fighting? It’s possible, Dudley is afraid of Bosco and Bosco growls at Dudley, however, Dudley doesn’t have any teeth.

We decided that we’d tend to Bosco’s wounds ourselves– clean the wound and give him some antibiotics. This was a bad move. Bosco’s cut got totally infected. Green oozing gobs of pus were leaking from his wound and the infection burrowed through at least two inches of skin. We took Bosco to the vet and he was put on very strong antibiotics and the vet cut out the infection– which was a good chunk of his back. He’ll be okay.

Scully: Scully got her ass kicked by Monkey and the Monkey Gang (Pumpkin, Chez, and whoever else). It was a horrible fight. For the last year we’ve been having puppy parties where everyone runs around and gets along– but not this night. Monkey was trying to fight with everyone and eventually Scully was her target. Scully ended up with a 5 inch skin avulsion on her neck, a ripped anus, and miscellaneous punctures and tears all over her body. We’ve been keeping her inside for her recovery and she is working out to be a great pet.

Magic: Magic got beat up by Chez and some other StinkyPups. He’s okay, but he got to spend a couple of days inside due to an injured leg.

Buckwheat: Bucky is an old pup– around 12. He hasn’t been pulling that well this year, but that’s okay because I’ve been taking the geriatric team out for short 4 – 7 mile runs, 1 – 2 times a week. We were on a 7 mile run and Bucky collapsed. We were just trotting along and he fell on his side. I stopped the sled and helped him up. He seemed okay. I knew he didn’t want to ride in the sled so I left him hooked up and we went home at an extremely slow pace. Buckwheat is now officially a retired sled dogs and has taken up residence with us. His status has changed to “Pet” dog– which is fine by us, however, he is extremely stinky and pees on everything in the house.

Besides all of the fighting (I didn’t mention all of the little fights), mushing has been going well. It’s finally getting cool enough to run.

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