Nonny Died
Nonny Died

Nonny Died

We had a devastating weekend. Nonny suddenly got very sick and died in our arms. On Thursday night he was running around the dog yard, on Friday he wasn’t eating, on Saturday we brought him to the vet who said he had IMHA (immune-mediated hemolytic anemia). He had a transfusion and spent the night at the After Hours clinic in Fairbanks. We picked him up Sunday morning, picked up some meds from our vet and took him home. We were going to bring him on Monday to see if he was producing red blood cells. Sunday at around 6:09pm he died. Greg and I were with him. We are very sad. Nonny was our first dog and the most special boy in the world.

This has been a difficult year because we have lost the “original gang.” The original gang included the three animals we got when we were first married and lived in Urbana, IL. Joey the cat died in March; Precious died May 7; and Nonny died exactly 6 months after Precious on November 7. We love and miss them all.