Frankie’s Death
Frankie’s Death

Frankie’s Death

Dogs crash fast. It was only around three weeks since we brought Frankie to the vet for his initial problem (sitting up funny). The doc that saw him didn’t take his heart rate, but in the long run, I don’t think it would have mattered anyway. Several days after his initial visit, Frankie got dizzy and couldn’t get up. It was then that we brought him to the vet again and the doc (a different one), diagnosed him with third degree a/v block. That was June 18th. He died on June 30th.

He wasn’t doing well the evenings before his death. Greg thought he wasn’t going to even make it through the night. He didn’t want to eat and he didn’t attempt to go on walks. He was lethargic, pale, breathing hard. On the evening of the 29th he didn’t want to eat anything and on the morning of the 30th he didn’t eat and refused to eat his tasty pill pockets.

We call around to find a vet who could come over an do an at home euthanasia. We found a doc willing to come out at 5pm. At around 2pm Greg called me at work and said I should probably come home now because he thought Frankie was dying right then. I came home, but the Franken was will alive. Doc came out at around 5:15pm and said he was in heart failure. The euth was quick and easy and put Frankie at rest.

Frankie was such a special guy. We miss him. Last night his arch enemy Chez was wandering around looking for Frankie. Chez and Frankie liked to growl at eachother. Blind Chez would seek out Frankie and make Frankie move. Chester stayed outside most of the night (which is unusual), and Nutok was sad. We’re all sad. Death fucking sucks.

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