First Mush in the Yukon!
First Mush in the Yukon!

First Mush in the Yukon!

We took two small teams out today for a short 3+ mile run (each team).

Team #1:
Allie & Axel (this was Axel’s first time in lead for us and she did great!)
Siren & Ted
Moose & Kraken

Mushers: Greg & Ilana

Team # 2:
Geri & Jack (It was a little warm for Jack)
Chaos & Yukon

Mushers: Rosie & Ilana


Getting ready for the first Mush in the Yukon on Oct. 28th 2020 with Rosie and Timber
Getting ready for the first Mush in the Yukon on Oct. 28th 2020 with Rosie and Timber

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