Lasher went to the rainbow bridge on Dec. 31st, 2018.
Lasher was the finest, sweetest, loving young man (11 yo) ever. Lasher came to us in around 2014 from my neighbor. We were taking care of him and his siblings while she was away, and decided to keep him when she returned (she was okay with this). We actually ran Lasher’s dad (Foxtail) in a race and Foxtail was an amazing sled dog.
Lasher’s life as a sled dog (and a lead dog) was short-lived at Stinkypup Kennel. When we found out that Lasher’s brother Goblin had heart disease, we brought Lasher to the vet to get his heart checked out. The doc told us his heart was fine, but his feet were flat and we shouldn’t run him at all (even for 7 miles). Soon after that, Lasher became an inside dog.
Lasher was extremely timid and shy with people, however when Greg went to Saudi, Lasher slept in the bed next to me. When we moved to L’Amable, his timidness returned and he often hung out in the mud room, but not the house. His favorite all-time place was by the fire in the mud room.

After Red died Lasher had a huge personality change…we’re not sure if this was due to Lasher being scared of little Red or if this is when his sickness began, and Lasher started coming inside and sleeping on the couch!

In August 2018, I noticed Lasher wasn’t eating well and that he was standing awkwardly. I brought him to two vets who said he was fine. His momma knew he wasn’t fine. In December 2018, we brought Lasher back to the vet who diagnosed him with either a) severe intervertebral disease OR b) degenerative myelopathy. She gave him long lasting steroid injection and a shot of Legend. For one week Lasher improved, he was actually eating! A week later he crashed and was unable to stand.
We drove to Peterborough on Dec. 31, 2018 to say goodbye to our dear friend.