Ahab Moves Inside
Ahab Moves Inside

Ahab Moves Inside

AhabOn Oct. 28, 2018 we had a cold spell and our first snow. The next morning Ahab wasn’t feeling very well.  He didn’t eat and had snot in his nose, so we brought him inside– permanently.  Ahab is a very stinky boy! He seemed to feel a little better after we moved him inside, but a week later he had snot in his nose again and still wasn’t eating well. We brought him to the vet who put him on doxycycline. Ahab is a horrible pill taker– so it was a challenge to give him his pills. Throughout the week I found pills he spit out on the floor.

Two weeks later and Ahab is feeling much better. He still isn’t eating well. The only thing he’ll eat is some crappy dog food called Rollover. He doesn’t want RedPaw kibble, or ScienceDiet kibble, or ScienceDiet canned food, or other canned food. He wants Rollover with a little oatmeal. He’s learned to use the dog door one way– to go out. He hasn’t figured out how to come in and he doesn’t really want to. Ahab is one of our toughest sled dogs. When he was younger, he’d sleep outside at -40F and refuse to go in his box.

We are glad he is feeling better! Welcome inside Ahab!


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