Rattles’ Final Walkabout
Rattles’ Final Walkabout

Rattles’ Final Walkabout

Rattles June 2018We are very sad to announce that Rattles is with us no more. He had stopped eating and seemed agitated. We brought him to the vet for a checkup and unfortunately it was a one way trip. The vet thought he was in pain, had dementia, and that his kidneys were failing.

Rattles was a special friend with bright blue eyes. We adopted him with his brother Simba from the Fairbanks North Star Borough Pound.

Rattles was a great wheel dog, but his sledding career ended after escaping his pen due to gun shot noise and getting caught in a trap for three days.

Rattles was petrified of gun shot noise, fireworks, and thunder, and would sometimes dig out from under his pen or jump over the pen– thinking he’d run away from the noise.

One of his last major walkabouts, due to fireworks, was in L’Amable.

Rattles was our stinkiest Stinker and a very good friend. We’ll miss you Rat-man.

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