A Sad Day for the StinkyPups
A Sad Day for the StinkyPups

A Sad Day for the StinkyPups

It’s a very sad day for the StinkyPups. Darla died today (Aug. 1) at around 9:15am. Darla was the matriarch of the StinkyPups and her death was sudden. When we went into the yard last night to feed everyone, I saw Darla laying on the ground, panting and drooling. Her temp. was 104.5– which is high. I gave her a bag of IV fluid SQ and we carried her inside. I slept in the living room with her– woke Greg up at 2am because I thought “it was time,” but she made it until morning.

Darla is the first of the dogs that “came with the house” to die. She was a very special lead dog and puppy pal.

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