We’ve lost another one at StinkyPup Kennel. Our magnificent Recluse (around 14 years old) departed us on Jan 28, 2019. Recluse was not doing very well, as he was having difficulty with his hind legs. He had see both of our vets several times since the summer and neither vet had ideas about what was wrong or how to “fix” him. Recluse had difficulty getting into his box, so I would often pick up and and put him in. Greg built him a special box that was close to the ground, and he still had difficulty getting in.

On the 27th I noticed that the tip of his penis was sticking out. It was quite cold out, so we brought him inside so his penis didn’t freeze. Unfortunately we were too late. The next day we brought him to our local vet who determined that Recluse had frostbite on the tip of his penis. Normally, this wouldn’t be too much of an issue, however the vet mentioned that Recluse looked like he wasn’t having a good time and his quality of life was poor. Greg and I agreed that it was “time.”
We did have a laugh though… when the doc was looking at Recluse’s penis, Recluse decided it was time to pee and peed all over the vet.
Recluse was an amazing sled dog. He usually ran in wheel and was so powerful and graceful. He was a core member of my race team back in the day.
We miss Recluse, and his kennel mates Stella and Bear are wondering where he went. Bear is especially wondering where his barking buddy is. Bear and Recluse loved to yell at each other.