Nikki decided she didn’t want to eat over the Easter holiday weekend, so I made an ultrasound appointment for her in Bobcageyon.
The appointment wasn’t until today (Wed., April 24), so I gave her sucralfate 1 hour before meals and bought some Royal Canin low fat food which she seems to like, and managed to get her eating a bit.
The ultrasound indicated bad news for our 16 yo champion lead dog. She has multiple issues going on, including:
- A nodule on her pancreas;
- An enlarged liver, with the left side having a nodule;
- A thickened wall of the gallbladder with some stones;
- Some type of mass on her spleen; and
- A fucked left kidney.
We’ll put her on pain meds (Meloxicam and codeine) and Ursodiol for the gallbladder, and monitor her pain levels and quality of life.
April 25, 2019. Dog quality of life scale for Nikki, — Ilana got 45, Greg got 32. Crap.