Valentines Run at a Nice Temp of 0 degrees Fahrenheit
Valentines Run at a Nice Temp of 0 degrees Fahrenheit

Valentines Run at a Nice Temp of 0 degrees Fahrenheit

We’re sooooo happy that we have had a couple of cold days to run.  Our inside thermometer said it was -11F when we started and 0F when we returned.  Last night it got to -26.8F. WooHoo! That’s my kind of temp.


We decided to take the Stinkers for a run this morning (around 11:00am), thinking that it would be too cold for the snowmachiners. We were right! We didn’t see anyone on the trail.


Feb 14, 2016
Feb 14, 2016 : -11 to 0 degrees Fahrenheit


Feb 11, 2016 : 1 degree Fahrenheit
Feb 11, 2016 : 1 degree Fahrenheit

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