It was a warm day, perhaps 40 degrees Fahrenheit, but we decided to run the 10 mile 6-dog Two Rivers Valley Funale– the last race of the season–and our only race for this season. Greg was the musher and the line up was:
- Stella & Wayne (lead)
- Bear & Phanty (point)
- Medusa & Siren (wheel)
As usual, we had a not so elegant start– but it was better than most. Wayne had chewed the double leader line, so I had nothing to lead him and Stella to the start with, except for his collar. Medusa & Siren both unharnessed themselves.
A snowmachine helped the team to the start, which was a good thing because Wayne & Stella didn’t really know where to go. Once we got to the starting line, Bear jumped over Phanty several times because he wasn’t sure which side he wanted to run on. Stella kept trying to turn around– not sure which way to go. And then they were off.
Greg says it was a smooth run, except for a brief incident with a snow machine– apparently the dogs ran into a snow machine while going through an intersection. Thankfully the dogs were okay.
Wayne & Stella figured out which way was gee and which was haw. Note, I only ran Wayne & Stella twice in lead this season– so they did a good job. Phanty and Bear were both good pullers, while Medusa pulled occasionally. Siren was a champion dipper and an occasional puller. The trail was firm in the shade, but soft in the sun.
Greg placed 10 out of 12. Not bad for the Stinkers who usually bring home the Red Lantern. The times for the 10 mile 6-dog class are below.