14 Stinkers with the ATV
14 Stinkers with the ATV

14 Stinkers with the ATV

At +33F it’s finally gotten cool enough for most of the Stinkers to run so we hooked up all of the eligible runners. Shrek & Maya sat out because it’s too hot for them.

This was the first time I’ve ever been out with 14 dogs, I usually run 12 on a sled. Greg has taken 14 on a sled before, but not on the ATV.

Line up for the 2.11 mile run:

  • Nikki & Roo (Lead)
  • Stella & Wayne (Point)
  • Siren & Phanty (Team)
  • Dru & Medusa (Team)
  • Zeus & Capella (Team)
  • Moe & Bear (Team)
  • Kraken & Recluse (Wheel)


2.11 mile run
2.11 mile run

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