StinkyPup Kennel



Name: Frankie 

Aliases: Frankenfurter; Frankenstein; Frank; Franklin

DOB: 2001?
DOD: June 30, 2011

Breed: American Husky

Acquired: From the pound as a Second Chance League dog and then officially adopted from SCL.

About: Frankie is an amazing dog. He’s athletic, likes to be with other dogs, is a great jogging partner, and is exceptionally smart. Frankie is a pretty good lead dog. He’s shown improvement from last year. He has a little trouble understanding his gees from haws– but don’t we all?

Bad Habits:

  • Barking.
  • Growling at Chez
  • Opening gates
  • Terrorizing Monkey-Tail and Asa
  • To open gates
  • Singing
  • Snuggling with mom
  • His couch/chair

Epilogue: Frankie was a terrific inside/outside dog.  He lived outside as a sled dog for several years and moved inside in 2009.  Frankie had an extremely talented snout and could open a gate in a matter of seconds; he was also a really good lead dog. We’re very saddened that Franklynstein has left us. He had so much charisma and charm.

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