StinkyPup Kennel



Name: Scully
Aliases: Sculls; Scully-Bear; Princess; Mutant-dog
DOB: 1997
DOD: March 14, 2010
Breed: American Husky
Acquired: From the pound as a Second Chance League (SCL) dog and then officially adopted.
About: In the end of 2004, Scully the sled dog turned into Scully the pet dog. In November 2004, Scully got her ass severely kicked by Monkey-Tail and her gang. The ass kicking occurred mutliple times and days. The vet told us that “Monkey gave Scully a new asshole”. Scully moved inside with us to heal– and she hasn’t moved out. She’s a big time snuggler and her boyfriend is King Neptune. She’s an awsome dog!

Bad Habits:
~ Acts as an alarm clock by jumping on me and biting my back.
~To run in circles.
~Bones and toys.
~To follow her mom.

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