StinkyPup Kennel



Name: Duke
Aliases: Dukey; Dookie; Dukester; Dooooook
DOB: 2000?
DOD: Oct. 28, 2013
Breed: American Husky
Acquired: From my neighbor.
About: We got Duke and Higgs from one of our neighbors. Duke is an awsome dog! He’s smart, gorgeous, and he’s a lead dog. Duke is the perfect boy, except he has terrible fights with Higgs.2006/2007 Update: Duke isn’t a lead dog anymore…well, he can lead but he can’t really run anymore. It’s possible he had a neck injury. He’s still a great guy; and doesn’t terrorize Higgs as much as he used to.Winter 2012 Update: Duke was very sick in Nov. 2012 and we brought him to the doc who diagnosed him (by feel only) with a tumor on his spleen. We put him on antibiotics and brought him inside, and he’s still with us (as of March 2013). He’s officially an inside dog, although he doesn’t know how to use the dog door.

Bad Habits: Terrorizes Higgs.
~Poops in his crate.
~To be pet
~To be praised
~To get lots of attention