StinkyPup Kennel



Name: Buckwheat
Aliases: Buck-a-wheaty; Bucky-Boy; Bucky
DOB: 1991
DOD: May 19, 2009
Breed: American Husky
Acquired: From the previous owner of my house.
About: Buckwheat is one of eight dogs that “came with the house” when we purchased it in May 2003. Buckwheat is a former Yukon Quest competitor. In December of 2004, Bucky collapsed on the trail during a short & slow 7 mile run. He was fine– however Greg and I decided it was time for him to retire and move into the StinkyPup Inn. Buckwheat has proven to be a terrific pet dog. He’s very devoted, but not too needy.

Bad Habits: Cranky.
~His mom
~To be pet
~To be away from bothersome puppies
~To sleep most of the day

Epilogue:  Buckwheat was a wonderful and loyal friend. I have many memories of him. One that sticks out in my mind is when my gangline broke away from my four-wheeler during fall training time. I was close to home and was able to catch the dogs and unclip them. While all of the other dogs abandoned me and ran home, Buckwheat stayed with me the entire walk home.

Buckwheat turned into a pet/inside dog around 4 years ago after he collapsed on a short four mile run. His previous owner said he had sled dog myopathy– a condition that could be fatal. After seeing him collapse, I decided that there was no need for him to pull anymore and he should come inside.  Buckwheat enjoyed being inside and often snuggled on the bed.  He loved to have his ears scratched.

Bucky is one of the eight dogs that came with the house. He outlived his siblings (Darla, Levi, and Bandit). He and his siblings all participated in the Yukon Quest (with his previous owner).

I’ll miss him.

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