Another smooth StinkyPup start!
Another smooth StinkyPup start!

Another smooth StinkyPup start!

Here is a 33-second video of the team of 14 as we get set to rocket out of the yard on December 18, 2015 in L’Amable, Ontario (81MB, sorry). Note the complete lack of snow on the ground. Temps right around freezing. That’s Nicki and Roo in the front, trying to eat each other. Right after that are Wayne and Stella, who also have a lot of ya-yas. Next in the lineup was Siren and Drew, then Phanty + Medusa, Capella + Zeus, Bear + Moe, and Recluse + Kraken. You can see Daniel & Bruno running around the insider’s yard, cheering on the team. These are all champions, and ready to take longer runs, with more snow and cooler temperatures.

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