General Update
General Update

General Update

Went for a 60 mile run yesterday; from our house to the Granite Tors parking area and back. Took a team 0f 8. Temp was between -35 to -40. The lineup was:

  • Roo & Decker (lead)
  • Stubby & Nicky (point)
  • Simba & Rattles (swing; Rattles ran lead for the 1st 12 miles because Decker didn’t want to run with Roo).
  • Higgs & Asa (wheel)

The dogs did great, considering Greg had taken them for a 30 mile run the day before.

The trail was hard and fast. Between the beaver dam and the Granite Tors parking lot, there was little snow– we were running on frozen dirt. Much of the trail is frozen overflow.