StinkyPup Kennel



Name: Sugar
Aliases: Sugar-dumplin’; Sugar-pop
DOB: 1998
DOD: May, 26 2010
Breed: American Husky
Acquired: From Fairbanks North Star Borough Pound.
About: Sugar is a sweet dog. She was from a touring outfit– so she knows how to be a sled dog. Sugar must have been given up because she has a urinary incontinence problem. We don’t mind her problem at StinkyPup Kennel– we just change her straw when it’s wet.

2006/2007 Update: Sugar doesn’t run anymore and she can’t even jump on top of her box; this is due to old age (?). She’s an extremely sweet girl and I wish she could come inside, but her pee problem is too bad.

Summer 2008 Update: Sugar is now officially and “inside” dog. For some strange reason, her pee problem has gone away. She’s been pretty good about not going in the house. Buckwheat is her puppy boyfriend.

Bad Habits: Wets her bed
~To be pet
~To kiss Bandit
~To run around with her brothers and sisters