StinkyPup Kennel



Name: Pumpkin
Aliases: Punky; Pip-squeak; Punkin
DOB: 2002
DOD: Oct. 6, 2015
Breed: American Husky
Acquired: From the previous owner of my house.
About: Pumpkin is one of eight dogs that "came with the house" when we purchased it in May 2003. Her litter-mates are Moneky-Tail and Stubby. Pumpkin has the build of a sled dog, however, she doesn’t pull.
Bad Habits: Lally-gagging while mushing
~To try to escape from the yard
~Her sister, Monkey-Tail
Dec. 31, 2014 Update: We’ve been planning on moving Pumpkin into the house when it got cold this winter; however it never got cold. Due to Monkey’s death, I’ve moved Pumpkin inside.

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