StinkyPup Kennel



Name: Peetie
DOB: 02/02/1999
DOD: 06/06/2015
Breed: American Husky
Acquired: From the pound as a Second Chance League (SCL) dog and then officially adopted from SCL.
About: Peetie is one of the 4 dogs my neighbor dropped off at the pound. Peetie is very a friendly and very strong boy. He’s so strong that he bent his metal post! Peetie is a great sled dog, but he overheats and can only run when it’s below 0 degrees.
Bad Habits: Barks before dinner.
~To run around the yard with his brothers and sisters
~To give hugs and kissesDec. 2013 update: Peetie got beat up by many of the outsiders and needed expensive hernia surgery. His entire belly was shaved, thus he moved inside and will stay inside. He is healing well and is learning how to be an inside dog.

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