Dogs Are A Runnin’
Dogs Are A Runnin’

Dogs Are A Runnin’

Woohoo, we’re up to a 3.5 mile loop.  We only have 8 dogs who can run and they are:

  • Wayne and Phanty
  • Stella and Jack
  • Ted and Siren
  • Moose and Kraken

Moose is a big baboose and runs in the caboose and is kinda of on the slow side, but we love him.

Stella was having some issues running in lead, so I moved her back to point. We think she may have cataracts, and that she is just tired of leading.

In this video we name who is running, have a little difficulty going haw (turning left) because this was our first double loop of the season– but the dogs did well, and you can’t see it well, but a deer crossed in front of the team and the dogs got excited!


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