StinkyPup Kennel



Name: Monkey-Tail
Aliases: Minkey; Monkey-Brain; Monkey-Breath
DOB: 2002
DOD: Dec. 31, 2014
Breed: American Husky
Acquired: From the previous owner of my house.
About: Monkey-Tail is one of eight dogs that "came with the house" when we purchased it in May 2003. Her litter-mates are Stubby and Pumpkin. Monkey’s previous owners had her debarked. Unfortunately, her scar tissue grew back, so she has a hard time breathing.

In 2005 we sent Monkey off to Dr. Bob Sept in Chugiak, AK. Dr. Sept ‘fixed’ our broken Monkey, and Monkey is now able to breathe again!

Bad Habits: Terrorizes the other dogs, especially Nutok, Sugar, and her sister Pumpkin
~To run around the yard with her sister, Pumpkin
~To go swimming

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